Introducing Chris Koch

Chris believes that two things define you… your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.

Chris has experienced massive highs and devastating lows in his life. From being a successful and highly sought-after motivational speaker, with all the trimmings of fame and fortune that brings, to the lows of being caught up in legal challenges for, his risk-taking business ventures during the Global Financial Crisis. Chris has reinvented himself and controlled his risk-taking desires. He now speaks and consults from deep, personal experience about:

“Understanding, Appreciating and Valuing Trust”

 “Resilience, Relationships & “Reinvention”

“Business Leadership”

“Overcoming the Odds”

“The Twelve Pillars of Relationship Based Selling”

“Applying Motivation and Inspiration in everything you do”

He stresses the importance of determination, resilience and cultivating relationships based on trust, integrity and the truth. These views are dotted with liberal messages of belief in oneself and inspiring examples of his personal and business values.  

Chris’ personal mission in life is:

“To make a difference to every person with whom he has the opportunity to interact.”

Chris has presented hundreds of keynote addresses at conferences & seminars world-wide.  His audiences range from 10 to 5,000 attendees.  He is committed to making your event memorable, powerful and full of takeaway value for all those who attend. Chris’ theme for his presentations is “The Essence of Trust” and his subject matter is always current and drawn predominantly from his ongoing management consulting activities and personal business experiences.  It’s a refreshing look at understanding what trust actually is, how it manifests in our personal and business lives and how it effects each one of us.